Friday, March 25, 2016

The Light of Truth

"We should never argue to win an argument, but rather we should seek to reveal the truth (to ourselves and others)." -- me.

I'd say, I'm a convert on this. I think it once was more important to me to win an argument, rather than arrive at truth. Now, winning is less important, and the truth is much more important.

It helps that I now see the capital 'T' Truth as personal. That is, this person goes by the name Jesus Christ (c.f. John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life). On March 25, the Truth became incarnate, and this year and perhaps for the original day, March 25th is the date for the crucifixion. It is Good Friday.

There is an essential link between truth in freedom. This can be seen in a religious way: where we slay the Truth, or are indifferent to the Truth (c.f. John 18:38 "What is truth?").  But this can also be seen after a fashion suggested by Pope John Paul II in Evangelium Vitae. When we deny objective moral truth, then subjectively, we become competitors. Might makes right. In a democracy, it means whoever can garner a majority point of view has the rights.

The great freedom is a freedom from the shackles of sin. Rather than being a slave to our appetites and temptations, it is better to have self-control, and a true freedom to choose the good. And so, hopefully, that explains the graphic above. Lady Liberty must carry the torch of true Light -- that Light from God which shines on Truth and is the Truth -- just as we hold candles on Easter Vigil. Our salvation and freedom hinge on Light of Christ who is Truth.

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