Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Aquinas 101: Lesson Six

Saint Thomas Aquinas by Carlo Crivelli, downloaded from Wikipedia
Lesson 6: How Do You Read An Article of the Summa?

Today's article teaches how to read an article of the Summa. It's practical rather than theological or philosophical, so there doesn't seem to be much of a point summarizing the lesson other than to point out what it's doing.

Screenshot from video

The video gives a quick break down on the parts of the summa. The selected readings gives a look at one of the questions (articles) in the Summa. The audio lecture, "Aquinas on the Incarnation (Part 1)" by Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., walks through reading a couple of articles in the Summa. The lecture itself is interesting too. If you wish to follow along, I've supplied a couple of links to the part of the Summa which Fr. White is covering.

* At the Thomistic Institute.

* At New Advent.

If you're interested in hearing both parts of Fr. Thomas Joseph White's lecture on the Incarnation, I'm linking to both parts at SoundCloud: Part 1 and Part 2.

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